Medicine Story Briefs

Understanding human anatomy, and how to diagnose and treat illnesses, has changed dramatically from ancient to modern times. This collection features people whose medical breakthroughs helped to save millions of lives.

Believing cocaine to have many health benefits, Freud introduced it to his friend, Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow whose disastrous dependency caused Freud ...

Soldiers in WWI trenches were at risk for shrapnel wounds which could severely damage their faces.

A world-renowned scientist and AIDS researcher, Dr. Joep Lange was a passenger on Flight MH17 when it crashed over Ukraine on July 17, 2014.

Meet John Hartnell and his mummified remains. A sailor who served aboard HMS Erebus, he died while exploring the Arctic with the Franklin Expedition.

When people have a very contagious disease, how do doctors keep from getting sick, too?

George Washington had trouble with his teeth long before he became America's first president. This image depicts the last-surviving set of his denture...

The artist Rita Greer has painted her interpretation of what it must have been like in London when people were fleeing the city during the time of "Th...

Dr. Harold Gillies innovated a procedure known as the "tubed pedicle" to help restore the faces of men injured during WWI.

What makes a simple bar of soap a deadly weapon against COVID-19?

Brainy facts, about the human brain, and how its various parts work together. How many daily calories does it take, for example, for our brains to wor...

The human body has a built-in defense system which helps to protect us from invading viruses, bacteria and related disease-causing agents. This graphi...

Cocaine impacts the human brain and its use can lead to death.

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