The Kennedys

Although America has no royal family, for awhile "The Kennedys" came close. These stories reveal how members of this Irish-American family, and their spouses, impacted the U.S. and its culture during the last part of the 20th century.

The Kennedys Chapters

The deaths of one black and two white freedom fighters goaded Congress into passing the first voting rights legislation since Reconstruction.

In 1965 millions of black Americans in the south still could not vote.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the first major civil rights law since Reconstruction

African Americans and their allies demonstrate in the nation's capitol

Black men had to fight hard for the right to die for their country.

The Kennedys Audios

Combining many different clips from the horror-filled day of November 22, 1963, Mike Swickey created this radio documentary about President Kennedy'...

Reporters were unsure of the President's condition at Parkland Hospital as they tried to keep the public informed of events.

Not knowing whether there was a conspiracy behind the death of President Kennedy, officials initially delayed the formal announcement of his death.

This audio clip, from the National Archives, is the swearing-in and inaugural address of John F.

On the evening of October 22, 1962, President Kennedy shocked the country when he reported the Soviet Union was installing ballistic missiles in Cuba.

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