Student Stories Chapters

A collection of stories written by students using the StoryMaker app.

Kapu are sacred rules that the Hawaiian's thought of as a religion.

Read a poem about the life of Professor Kevin Granata, an engineering teacher.

Read a poem about the life of Lauren Ashley McCain, a 20 year-old freshman in International Studies.

This an article about the history and details about one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Read a poem about the life of Leslie Sherman, a 20 year-old junior in History and International Relations.

When Fear and Kings Ruled the Land

Read a poem about the life of Professor Liviu Librescu, an engineering teacher.

Read a poem about the life of Mary Karen Read, a 19 year-old freshman in Interdisciplinary Studies.

Read a poem about the life of Matthew Gwaltney, a 24 year-old second year Masters student in Environmental Engineering.

Read a poem about the life of Matt La Porte, a 20 year-old freshman in Political Science.

Read a poem about the life of Michael Steven Poyle, Jr., a 23 year-old senior in Biological Science.

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