American Presidents Chapters

U.S. Presidents have varying backgrounds and political persuasions. Only one was unanimously elected. They can have little or lasting influence. These stories are about individuals with the power to make a difference at home and abroad.

On December 8, 1941, following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, Franklin Roosevelt declares war.

Before John Wilkes Booth plans an assassination, he plans a kidnapping of President Lincoln.

Political cartoons make fun of public policies and politics.

To declare the American colonies' independence from Great Britain, Thomas Jefferson prepares a first draft of the Declaration of Independence for the ...

Days before his murder, President Lincoln recounts a dream he had about his own assassination.

Thomas Jefferson begins practicing law at age 24.

In 1939, Einstein writes a letter to FDR about his theory of creating power from splitting atoms and his concerns that Germany can develop nuclear bom...

General Eisenhower visits many Nazi death camps to document their existence and crimes.

The movie, U-571, is an American fictionalized account of the Enigma Machine's capture; it angers the British so President Clinton must apologize.

Does Mary know that Booth, her son John, and others are meeting at her boardinghouse to plot the kidnapping of the president?

President Kennedy's Executive Committee (Ex Comm) is a group of senior advisors who meet with JFK throughout the missile crisis.

Guiteau proclaims his innocence, saying he followed instructions from God, up until he is hung.

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