American Revolution Story Briefs

Britain's colonists in America were upset when Parliament passed laws interfering with their way of life. The colonies declared themselves independent and fought a war to end British control as the stories in this collection reveal.

George Washington inherited property on the Potomac River, called Mount Vernon, learn more about the development of the property.

According to the National Park Service, Nathanael Greene was born in Potowomut, Rhode Island, on July 27, 1742.

We remember Nathan Hale, executed by the British and illustrated by Howard Pyle, for these words: "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for ...

This travel pass - signed by Benedict Arnold on September 21st, 1780 - authorized Joshua Smith to carry private letters.

This painting, by Peter Rothermel, depicts Patrick Henry before the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1765.

On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry gave a rousing speech. Dig a little deeper into his ''Liberty or Death'' to learn whether all those famous words were...

During the evening of June 16 (1775), General Clinton (one of the British commanders) was hearing strange sounds coming from the Charlestown peninsula...

During America's Civil War, one of the country's most-famous writers penned a poem about ... the Revolutionary War.

Margaret (Peggy) Shippen was nearly nineteen when she married Benedict Arnold.

During the late spring of 1776, Tom Jefferson traveled to Philadelphia as a Virginia delegate to the Second Continental Congress.

This map illustrates the plan of siege for Yorktown and Gloucester Point.

This map, engraved by Francis Shallus, depicts British and American-French positions for the Battle of Yorktown during October, 1781.

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