Disasters Chapters

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

The busy, ancient town of Pompeii has an innovative water system and outdoor food bars.

The Galveston Daily News reports that no one will ever be able to explain the grief and destruction.

Mabalo Lokela, a teacher living in a remote part of Zaire (today's Republic of Congo), is the "index patient" for a new disease which will be called E...

When word about Pasteur's vaccine spreads, a teenaged hero who saved the lives of six young shepherds needs the vaccine. He arrives from Arbois, Paste...

To avoid torpedo strikes by German U-boats, the Lusitania changes course, but is still in danger.

You will know why Japan attacked Hawaii.

At 7:53 a.m. the Japanese first attack American planes and then begin to bomb "Battleship Row"; finally at 7:58 a.m., air raid sirens begin.

Flight 77 strikes the Pentagon killing all 70 people onboard and 190 people in the building.

Read a poem about the life of Austin Michelle Cloyd, an 18 year-old freshman in International Studies and French.

If cracks are not repaired to contain the coolant, the K-19 could explode due to a meltdown.

During late November, 1820, the Essex was attacked by a whale. The real-life story inspired the tale of "Moby Dick."

In an unbelievable turn of events, a sperm whale attacks a whaleship called the Essex on November 20, 1820.

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