Education Chapters

A collection of stories to support teaching and learning.

AwesomeStories Summer Reading Program keeps students reading, thinking, analyzing while they enjoy great stories over the summer.

Stephen Gray premiered his “Flying Boy” experiment in London during 1730. This image—a plate from a German-language text—depic...

In a darkened room, in central London, Francis Hauksbee (Hawksbee) rubbed his hand over the top of his electrostatic generator. Those actions caused&n...

As the British Empire flourished, during the 18th century, interesting specimen made their way to London. One of the most-interesting, the Torpedo Fi...

Exemplifying the use of primary sources in learning, Jakub Simacek, center, discusses his exhibit with a visitor at the National History Day competiti...

Meet Your Academic and Technology Integration Goals! Unite your district/school in flipped classroom, story-driven, media-rich, evidence-based lear...

A Guide to using AwesomeStories with elementary students

Families use AwesomeStories involves the whole family in learning, leveraging important topics for learning gains and family engaged enjoyment.

AwesomeStories serves faculty and students at 2 and 4 year colleges, career technical programs and life long learners.

High School teachers and students use AwesomeStories in many ways.

Ways that Middle School teachers and students use AwesomeStories

Get the Stories-Behind-the-Stories! AwesomeStories is your website for intriguing information supporting your research and exploration. ...

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