Fiction Chapters

Great novels are often connected-to (or based-on) real-life events. It's fun to search-for (and uncover) those connections. This Collection features fictional stories with real-life tie-ins.

After his father's death, Commodus becomes the emperor of Rome but is not a good ruler.

Spectators in the Colosseum often decide if a gladiator will live or die.

As "The Nutcracker" tale comes to a close, expect the unexpected for Marie and The Nutcracker.

The Mandolin is a stringed, lute-like instrument associated with love.

Drosselmeier and his companion continue their quest to find both the hard nut, called Crackatooth, and the person who can crack it. They need both to ...

Recorded in England since 1678, crop circles yield bigger crop production.

Lewis marries Joy Davidman Gresham, an American divorcee, so that she can stay in England; they fall in love and remain married until her death.

Although fictional, the journey David takes once free from a labor camp reflects that of many of the inmates in such camps.

To teach Dostoevsky and his group a lesson, the Tsar stages a firing squad to show what could happen if they ignore the laws.

Only married four years, Joy Gresham Lewis passes at age 45 with Jack (C.S. Lewis) following three short years later.

In the Temple of Apollo, Paris shoots an arrow into Achilles' heel and kills him.

Achilles engages Hector in a man-to-man fight and kills him. Achilles drags the body behind his chariot before agreeing to return the body to Hector's...

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