Peace Story Briefs

Stories, chapters and images relating to the belief of a peaceful world, the work towards more peaceful living, and models of peaceful actions.

Learn about redrawing national boundaries.

Learn the story of how Nkosi Sikelele became part of South Africa's national anthem and meet the young man who wrote the song.

William Penn's treaty with the Delaware, when he founded the Colony of Pennsylvania in 1681, helped to have peaceful relations between the Colonists a...

Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of America's famous nineteenth-century thinkers and writers, endured a great deal of sadness in his life.

Bobby Kennedy delivered calming words which maintained the peace despite the tragic loss of MLK. He gave an emotional, extemporaneous speech in Indian...

Learn how anonymous people, celebrating peace at the end of World War II and captured in an iconic photograph - were identified years later.

Two years after the end of hostilities between America and Britain, the parties signed the Treaty of Paris. Peace between the two countries remained n...

Escaping slaves needed to understand a bit of science in order to find their way to freedom. The words of songs helped them to achieve that objective...

The Palace of Versailles, where the treaty ending WWI was signed, is depicted in this painting by Pierre Patel which he created in 1668.

On 28 March 1941, Virginia Woolf, the famous British author, drowned in a river near her home. A single recording of her voice survives. The BBC has r...

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