Victorian Age Chapters

Only 18 when she became Queen of Britain, Victoria gave her name to an age and an empire. In this collection, learn who she was and what happened to people and countries during her lengthy reign.

Helen Beatrix Potter was born in 1866 in London to wealthy parents who inherit large cotton fortunes.

Someone interrupts Jack the Ripper while he is killing his third victim, Liz Stride.

After successfully vaccinating fifty dogs, Louis Pasteur and his team meet a young boy who was bitten by a rabid dog. They must decide whether to inno...

Louis Pasteur's list of accomplishments is impressive, not least because so many of his ideas went against the grain of contemporary thinking. His mai...

Scrooge can hardly believe that Marley's ghost, carrying its heavy chains, pays him a visit. His old, now-dead partner, has some warnings to deliver.

Twenty-five-year-old Mary Kelly is Jack the Ripper's final victim.

With royalties from her books, Beatrix buys Lake District property and in doing so meets and marries lawyer William "Willie" Heelis.

Jack the Ripper begins his crime spree by murdering a 42-year-old woman named Polly Nichols.

Many people believe that the police cover-up the identity of the Ripper because he is someone of importance in London.

Kitchener and his soldiers defeat the Mahdist, destroy The Mahdi's tomb and desecrate his body.

In September 1898, Major General Horatio Herbert Kitchener leads a force of Anglo-Egyptian soldiers against the Mahdist and forces them into the deser...

Who is Jacob Marley? Is it possible that he can visit his old partner, Ebenezer Scrooge, although Marley's been dead for seven years?

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