Audio Narrations

Our most popular stories are available in narrated form as well as visually through text and image. We call our Story Narrations, together with our audio resources, "Awesome Radio."

Gur Ben Dor narrates his original story written as part of her 4th grade Hawaiian history and culture research project.

Ziyun Li narrates her original story written as part of her 4th grade Hawaiian history and culture research project.

Many of today's English cities had their start as Anglo-Saxon settlements.

Anglo-Saxon warriors, in early Briton, were known as Thegns.

Anne Hutchinson, and six of her children, were murdered in a case of mistaken identity.

As they get closer to the Moon, Apollo 11's crew gets a warning sign. Is it real or is it a glitch?

After experiencing an accident in space, Apollo 11's crew depended on team work to save their lives.

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