Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Videos

The very land we call "ours" once belonged to others. How did ancient people live on that land? What was important to them? Are we more alike than we are different? Explore this collection to find answers.

A grandson of Genghis, Kublai became the Great Khan in 1260.

This trailer for the film "300," inspired by the Battle of Thermopylae, tells the story of the Spartans' last stand at the "Hot Gates.

This clip, about how the Great Wall of China was built, explains how the various sections of it were linked together.

Winning athletes who competed in the Olympic stadium (including barefooted runners) were crowned with wreaths made from sacred olive trees.

The abandoned Inca settlement of Machu Picchu is set against the backdrop of stunningly beautiful scenery.

Madagascar is an ancient island, adrift in the Indian Ocean. Much of it is unlike anywhere else on Earth.

Sir David Attenborough explains how part of Africa and India was split-off, to exist on its own as the island of Madagascar, and introduces us to some...

From the BBC's "Planet Dinosaur," we see a clip of Majungasaurus behaving in a most extraordinary way - as a cannibal.

Foreigners from Manchuria were allowed into China during the seventeenth century.

For more than two thousand years (ever since the First Emperor united seven warring states in 221 B.

Although he avoided an assassination attempt, Qin Shi Huangdi knew that one day he would die.

For centuries, alchemists believed that mercury could be turned into gold.

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