Classics - In Depth Story Briefs

"The Classics" come alive with images, videos, maps, documents and ... dramatization. Look, listen and experience these "old" stories in a new, 21st-century way.

Edgar Allan Poe published a poem entitled "Imitation," in 1827.

After he leaves the house, around midnight, Huck Finn joins his buddy, Tom Sawyer.

Huck Finn's father - whom his boy calls "Pap" - has not been in his son's life for awhile.

Huck Finn is sceptical about many things, but he is also a realist.

Huck Finn has a father who beats him.

In William Shakespeare's opinion, the life of a person - who lives to old age - consists of seven stages.

William Blake (1757-1827) was a young man, in his late teens, when he witnessed the "Gordon Riots" in London.

As the action begins, in Dickens' famous tale, the Dover mail coach is making its way on a Friday night.

Jerry Cruncher, the messenger, is bothered by the direction he's received from Jarvis Lorry: "Jerry, say that my answer was, RECALLED TO LIFE.

After Jarvis Lorry reaches Dover, he awaits the arrival of another traveler from London - Miss Manette.

William Wordsworth, an English poet who served as Britain's Poet Laureate between 1843-1850, was greatly inspired by nature.

Not normally a writer of poetry - or anything else as a published author - Mary Elizabeth Frye (an American who lived in Baltimore) was moved by the s...

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