Film Audios

Since the era of "silent films," moving pictures are an important part of worldwide culture. How did movies get their start? What are the stories behind the movies? Enjoy hundreds of stories in this Collection.

Huck Finn has a father who beats him.

In William Shakespeare's opinion, the life of a person - who lives to old age - consists of seven stages.

Have a listen as Charles Dickens begins his famous story with these words: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

As the action begins, in Dickens' famous tale, the Dover mail coach is making its way on a Friday night.

Jerry Cruncher, the messenger, is bothered by the direction he's received from Jarvis Lorry: "Jerry, say that my answer was, RECALLED TO LIFE.

After Jarvis Lorry reaches Dover, he awaits the arrival of another traveler from London - Miss Manette.

Bram Stoker based his novel, Dracula, on the legend of a real person, Vlad Tepes.

Mina Murray and her friend - Lucy Westenra - have traveled to the town of Whitby in North Yorkshire, England.

Winston Churchill became Prime Minister on the 10th of May, 1940.

On the 4th of June, 1940, Winston Churchill addressed Parliament.

Although C.S. Lewis was frequently "on the air" during World War II, the BBC has very few surviving broadcasts.

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