Legends and Legendary People Chapters

Meet some of the world's most-colorful characters in this collection. From Roman times to the Spanish Main, these individuals were famous in their own lifetimes and later, when their stories became the "stuff of legends."

Jean Chastel finally kills and buries The Beast of Gevaudan; the legend may live on in "Little Red Riding Hood" and other fairy tales.

Learn the stories of humans diving into the depths of the sea that have been told for thousands of years.

Losing hope, many Britons flee the country; others yield to Anglo-Saxons and become their slaves.

Dracula and his brother go to prison to prove father Dracul's loyalty to the Sultan.

The real Dracula dies at the hands of his own army after an intense fight, but the legend lives on.

New discoveries of known and unknown dinosaurs continue to provide new information about Earth's past.

As the British Empire flourished, during the 18th century, interesting specimen made their way to London. One of the most-interesting, the Torpedo Fi...

Alexander and his army come face to face with Asian elephants in India.

Mary Tudor names Elizabeth as her successor; Elizabeth becomes Queen at age twenty-five and reigns for nearly 45 years.

A power boating accident leaves Elizabeth King in a coma and on life support.

Queen Elizabeth visits the British camp at West Tilbury and delivers a memorable speech to rally her troops.

Evidence tends to suggest that crop circles are not always manmade, especially when they contain no footprints.

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