World History Chapters

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

American troops begin leaving Vietnam in 1971, while fighting continues until a cease fire in 1973; it is still two years until the fall of Saigon.

Studies show the Lusitania exploded because the torpedo struck coal bins, not illegal arms, causing coal dust to catch fire.

British landowners evict starving families and burn their homes during the Irish Potato Famine..

Famine and poverty follow the failed potato crop of 1845.

Photographs, blueprints, and records provide evidence that Auschwitz and Auschwitz II (Birkenau) are operating death camps.

Jewish leaders, St. Augustine, and St. Cyprian write about a purifying process after a person's death.

This image of a tomb outside the city walls of Jerusalem is known as the “Garden Tomb.” It is also referred to as “Gordon’s Ga...

As Hitler seizes power, the Jewish persecution begins.

Losing hope, many Britons flee the country and others yield to the Anglo-Saxons and become their slaves.

Nicholas' daughters survive the first hail of bullets because the gems sewn into their clothing provide some protection from the bullets.

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