
The voice of creators, or subjects of stories, come to us through audio files of radio interviews, speeches and personal recordings.

Short Video Overview of AwesomeStories MakerSpace

A short video overview of AwesomeStories MakerSpace

This video show how to find interesting information not readily apparent.

Bram Stoker based his novel, Dracula, on the legend of a real person, Vlad Tepes.

Mina Murray and her friend - Lucy Westenra - have traveled to the town of Whitby in North Yorkshire, England.

When diplomatic efforts between Britain and Germany failed to end Hitler's attack on Poland - in early September, 1939 - Neville Chamberlain (the Br...

Cowboys of the "Old West" sang songs about their work (and the trouble they got into). This is an example.

Churchill tried repeatedly to convince FDR to enter the war.

On the 5th of March, 1946, Winston Churchill was worried about the spread of Joseph Stalin's power throughout Europe.

Winston Churchill became Prime Minister on the 10th of May, 1940.

On the 16th of October, 1938, Winston Churchill broadcast a speech urging both his country, and America, to arm themselves.

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