
The voice of creators, or subjects of stories, come to us through audio files of radio interviews, speeches and personal recordings.

On the 4th of June, 1940, Winston Churchill addressed Parliament.

"Cite Right" a video to show how to give sources and creators of great content the credit they deserve!

After the shuttle Columbia was lost, during the STS-107 mission, President George W.

Although C.S. Lewis was frequently "on the air" during World War II, the BBC has very few surviving broadcasts.

During World War II, C.

This C.S. Lewis audio clip is from the BBC Series "Beyond Personality.

William Wordsworth, an English poet who served as Britain's Poet Laureate between 1843-1850, was greatly inspired by nature.

Not long after she received her diary, as a birthday present, Anne Frank and her father took a walk together near their Amsterdam home.

Three days after Anne Frank told "Kitty" about an unsettling conversation with her father - that the Frank family may have to go into hiding somewhere...

Three days after Anne Frank told "Kitty" about an unsettling conversation with her father - that the Frank family may have to go into hiding somewhere...

Anne Frank, a Jewish girl living with her family in Amsterdam, was thirteen years old during the summer of 1942.  At the time, German forces were...

Anne Frank, a Jewish girl living with her family in Amsterdam, was thirteen years old during the summer of 1942.  At the time, German forces were...

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