
Carole Bos Intro to AwesomeStories

The founder of AwesomeStories, Carole Bos, tells us how (and why) she started AwesomeStories.

As she explains how to make primary and secondary sources "come alive," within a contextual back story, you will see how an Awesome Story is perfect for learning and teaching.

By viewing an AwesomeStories guide, you will get answers to questions—in one place—when you see, hear and read the primary and secondary sources which are placed, in context, within a story. You'll find thousands of topics, both historical and current. 

The AwesomeStories team also leads you to supportive material in freely available online books. We even open those books to the very page where supportive material appears. In other words ... even footnotes come alive at AwesomeStories!

Enjoy this 21st-century, interactive teaching/learning tool. AwesomeStories ... an educational website unlike any other.

Media Credits

Video by Carole Bos, founder and chief creative officer at AwesomeStories.


To cite this story (For MLA citation guidance see easybib or OWL ):

"Carole Bos Intro to AwesomeStories" AwesomeStories.com. Feb 07, 2015. Feb 10, 2025.
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