
The Iceberg Struck by Titanic

The Iceberg struck by Titanic

This image depicts a photograph, taken by Captain De Carteret of the Minia, who indicated that this iceberg was the only one in the area when his ship arrived after Titanic sank. The Captain noted paint markings on the iceberg, making it the likely iceberg which came into contact with the RMS Titanic.

The U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, maintains this photo. Curators at the USCG provide this description:

This is a scanned copy of the photographic print of the iceberg with which the RMS TITANIC supposedly collided on April 14, 1912 at latitude 41-46N, longitude 50-14W.

This print was in possession of Captain De Carteret, the Captain of the Cable ship MINIA, reportedly stated that this was the only iceberg near the scene of the collision. The MINIA was one of the first ships to reach the scene following the disaster. It was dispatched after the Western Union Cable ship MACKAY BENNET by White Star Lines to recover debris from the Titanic. During this operation, the MINIA found debris and bodies floating in the vicinity of the above iceberg. Therefore, it is assumed that this is the iceberg that the TITANIC struck. Captain De Carteret gave the print to Captain A. L. Gamble, Commanding Officer of the USCGC SENECA.

Click on the image for a better view.

Media Credits

Image online, courtesy US Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security.


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