Aviation & Space Exploration Story Briefs

From ancient to modern times, people have studied "the heavens" and wondered "what's out there?" Technology helps us to take a closer look. Meet the pioneers of space and aviation in this collection of stories.

This artist's conception depicts a view of how it may appear as the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft orbits Saturn.

This NASA graphic highlights the Space Shuttle Challenger, her last crew, the patches from her numerous missions and a featured spacewalk.

Charles Messier created a catalog of "objects" in the sky which professional and amateur astronomers still use.

On the 14th of October, 1947, Captain Charles "Chuck" Yeager flew an airplane at speeds which reached Mach 1.

Colonel Benjamin Oliver Davis, Jr.

On the 1st of February, 2003, two RNAF (Royal Dutch Air Force) pilots were training on a Longbow Apache Helicopter (AH-64) out of Fort Hood, Texas. P...

This video was the only video recovered after Columbia disintegrated during re-entry. It depicts the crew during their final preparations, before land...

This drawing might seem a bit simplistic because it merely describes the main parts of a much-more complicated object. What we see here are the main p...

Celebrating 2000 Martian days of exploring the Red Planet, Curiosity is a moving science lab, considerably different from "Spirit" and "Opportunity" b...

Dr. Richard Feynman was always known for speaking his mind. When his work led him to a conclusion which seemed at odds with the conclusions (or desire...

U.S. astronaut Ed White was the first American to walk in space. He lifted the handle of his hatch cover, and left the safety of his spacecraft, on Ju...

During the recent solar eclipse, scientists further tested Einstein's famous theory (which resulted from a thought experiment leading to the concept o...

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