Native-Americans and First Peoples Story Briefs

For thousands of years before Europeans colonized the "New World," the land belonged to others. Who were those individuals now-known as "First Peoples" or "Native Americans?" How did they live? Where are they now?

Photograph of Limahuli Tropical Botanical Garden on Hawaiian Island of Kaua'i

The story of the purchase of Manhattan.

Why is Maui the "magic island?" A charming folklore story tells us about Maui, the demigod, who created the Hawaiian Islands.

The Trail of Tears, which describes a bleak period in U.S. history, occurred after the U.S. federal government forced Native Americans to leave their ...

This image depicts Philip Johnston visiting members of the Navajo Nation at their hogan.

This letter, which is maintained by the Dutch archives in The Hague, provides some evidence that the Dutch West India Company purchased Manhattan Isla...

Quakers were persecuted in England as well as in Britain's American Colonies. George Fox, who founded the "Society of Friends," was among those persec...

After he is banished from Salem, then part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Roger Williams receives invaluable help from Native Americans.

NASA honored Sacajawea when the federal agency used her name to describe an elliptical caldera on the planet Venus.

On the Pacific Island of Yap, people used stone money for hundreds of years to purchase rights and grow their wealth. It's an interesting story.

The Ancient Hawaiians did many things to protect their environment, read to find out how.

When Columbus arrived in the Bahamas, in 1492, he began an exchange of crops, animals and diseases which still impact the world. It is known as "The C...

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