Native-Americans and First Peoples Videos

For thousands of years before Europeans colonized the "New World," the land belonged to others. Who were those individuals now-known as "First Peoples" or "Native Americans?" How did they live? Where are they now?

The Bosque Rodondo reservation covered about 160 square miles.

General James Henry Carlton was the architect of the Bosque Rodondo experiment.

James Henry Carlton, who engineered the Bosque Rodondo experiment, was roundly criticized for what happened to the Navajo.

Navajo children were frequently discouraged at school because of the educational methods employed.

Sacajawea (Sacagawea) was the only woman with the Corps of Discovery expedition.

To the Shores of Iwo Jima depicts actual battle footage of fighting on the heavily-fortified, well-defended, Japanese-owned (Tokyo Imperial Prefecture...

The flag-raising at Mt.

The battle for Iwo Jima, in 1945, claimed the lives of thousands of men on both sides of the conflict.

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