Philosophy Videos

What does it mean to have a "world view?" How does "thinking about the meaning of life" translate into "living life?" Who are the world's great thinkers? Is Aristotle still relevant? This Collection features philosophy-related stories.

During the second world war, people in Britian were facing life and death issues every day.

C.S. Lewis was a very close friend of J.

In this clip from the film Shadowlands, starring Anthony Hopkins as C.

C.S. Lewis wanted to be a great poet, but after he published his poetry, his achievement was no longer satisfying to him.

Although her cancer was so advanced by the time it was detected, Joy Davidman Lewis had a remarkable remission.

Although C.S. Lewis had married Joy Davidman Gresham, in a civil ceremony, he had done so only to help his friend stay in Britain with her two young s...

In The Chronicles of Narnia, C.

When C.S. ("Jack") Lewis was nine years old, he lost his mother to cancer.

On the 6th of December, 1992, a rushing crowd of activists completely destroyed the Babri Mosque in northern India.

Two Italian professors - Galvani and Volta - try to determine whether electricity inside or outside a dissected frog makes its legs twitch.

Written in 1866, Crime and Punishment features the city of St.

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