STEM Story Briefs

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

This image depicts a normal brain as opposed to a brain damaged from lack of oxygen

When we breathe, oxygen gets into our bodies. How does it travel from our lungs to other places, like the brain?

The Bubble Nebula - NGC 7635 - is known as a “space bubble.”  What created this space bubble? To answer that question, let’s ch...

Is it possible for a person's hair to turn white overnight? Who were some of the famous people who reportedly experienced this phenomenon?

This diagram depicts what happens if the Space Shuttle's Orbiter needs to return to the launch site.

When scientists working in the Hammond Lab, at Jurassic World, decide to "create" a new hybrid dinosaur, they use the DNA of a South American predator...

Meet the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft, built for a soon-to-end mission to Saturn. Cassini is the orbiter; Huygens is the probe.

This artist's conception depicts a view of how it may appear as the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft orbits Saturn.

This NASA graphic highlights the Space Shuttle Challenger, her last crew, the patches from her numerous missions and a featured spacewalk.

In the late summer of 1831, Charles Darwin was invited to accompany Captain Robert FitzRoyon avoyage aboard a ship to South America.

Charles Messier created a catalog of "objects" in the sky which professional and amateur astronomers still use.

The oil and gas we use every day to run our lives - which doesn't last very long - took an incredibly long time to form. What makes oil and gas?

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