The Kennedys Story Briefs

Although America has no royal family, for awhile "The Kennedys" came close. These stories reveal how members of this Irish-American family, and their spouses, impacted the U.S. and its culture during the last part of the 20th century.

In 1938, Joseph Patrick Kennedy is appointed Ambassador to Great Britain - a position for which he'd heavily lobbied. He takes his wife, and five of ...

The youngest of three boys, Lee Harvey Oswald never knew his father and rarely saw his mother since she had to work long hours to support the family.

Less than two months after her husband was killed, Mrs.

After the fatal shot was fired at her husband, Mrs. Kennedy suddenly moves to the trunk of JFK's car. What was she attempting to do?

In this image we see an original draft, in President Kennedy's handwriting, of the famous phrase in his inaugural address: "Ask not what your country ...

The Warren Report summarizes testimony on what happened the day President Kennedy was fatally shot.

Bobby Kennedy delivered calming words which maintained the peace despite the tragic loss of MLK. He gave an emotional, extemporaneous speech in Indian...

In addition to his Warren-Commission testimony, Special Agent Clinton Hill prepared a written statement regarding the assassination of President Kenne...

Ted Kennedy gave the eulogy for his brother, Bobby, at the St.

JFK and Jackie were married at St. Mary's Church (in Newport, Rhode Island) on the morning of September 12, 1953.

This is the type of aircraft - a U-2 "spy plane" - which Major Richard S. Heyser flew over Cuba when his photos revealed the the USSR was placing miss...

While he was still a college student, at Harvard University, John F. Kennedy wrote ''Why England Slept.''

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