World War II - Europe Chapters

World War II - Europe

While waiting for Stalin to arrive, President Truman writes of the devastation in Berlin.

Churchill proves himself as he leads his country to victory, but is voted out of office in 1940.

War posters are intended to convince U.S. citizens that they cannot work hard-enough to help out the "boys overseas," so they must do more.

The battle for Stalingrad is the deadliest battle in military history.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer continues to speak out against the German government. He helps smuggle Jews to Switzerland and joins a plot to kill Hitler.

A Soviet sub hit the Wilhelm Gustloff with three torpedoes.

In November of 1989, the people of Berlin tear down a wall which divides their city into East and West. Two years earlier, President Reagan leads the ...

Hitlers reign WWII, but ends in defeat and Hitlers suicide.

Thousands of Germans flee as the Russian army seeks revenge.

Szpilman's last radio concert and the end of cultural life in Warsaw before the war occur at the same time.

The Stalingrad people are recognized for their suffering and heroics and presented with tributes.

U-boats are submarines the Germans use to attack Allied supply ships.

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