Archeological Wonders Chapters

Even though ancient people died, or their civilizations were wiped-out by catastrophes, they left behind evidence of how they once lived. This collection reveals some of the wonders which archeologists have uncovered.

Vikings are Scandinavians who sail from their lands to explore, plunder and settle other areas.

Of all the mummies in the world, the most famous are Egyptian pharaohs such as King Tut.

Neanderthals invent a type of adhesive (from birch wood) and use fire.

New discoveries of known and unknown dinosaurs continue to provide new information about Earth's past.

Nicholas' wealthy parents die when he is just a boy and legend says he wants to share the money his parents leave him.

In 1663, John Eliot produces the first American printing of the Bible, in theAlgonquin language, for Native Americans.

Mummies are found in peat bogs scattered across Europe. Decaying Sphagnum moss contains acidic content perfect for taking a human body and mummifying ...

Pompeii is a beautiful resort town in 79 A.D. Although the area has experienced earthquakes in recent years, no one suspects that the nearby mountain,...

Pteranodon is one of the great flying reptiles from the Cretaceous Era.

First found in Mongolia, during 1924, the Raptor is agile and capable of inflicting serious damage with its "sickle"claw.

Using an early form of democracy, Greek city-states fight to keep their rights.

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