Crimes and Criminals Chapters

Sometimes the law makes criminals out of innocent people; other times guilty people go free. Then again ... sometimes the punishment fits the crime. Meet some of history's alleged and actual criminals and learn about their crimes.Sometimes the law makes criminals out of innocent people; other times guilty people go free. Then again ... sometimes the punishment fits the crime. Meet some of history's alleged and actual criminals and learn about their crimes.

Now that Henry Jekyll has disappeared, or died, Gabriel Utterson is cleared to read a letter which Dr. Lanyon has given him. He is stunned at its cont...

Edward Bushell holds firm on his verdict, in favor of William Penn, and his own case (based on a Writ of Habeas Corpus) changes the law for future jur...

Betty Bersinger finds Elizabeth's disfigured body on a sidewalk near vacant lots. View crime scene photos.

Norways gets LOTS of snow! This picture, taken by SSGT Rodney K. Prouty on the 5th of March in 1982, depicts LEOPARD I battle tanks being used in a NA...

Does Mary know that Booth, her son John, and others are meeting at her boardinghouse to plot the kidnapping of the president?

Photos taken early in 1944 show evidence of gas chambers before the Nazis try to tear down the buildings and leave.

The court vindicates Boone, but he leaves Kentucky and never gets over the criminal accusations which had been leveled against him.

Surratt, Herold, Atzeroat, and Payne hang on July 7, 1865, Surratt's guilt still in doubt.

The Romanov-family bodies remain in a shallow grave until 1979, when they are discovered by Geli Ryabov and Dr. Alexander Avdonin.

Many plead for mercy, but Mary Surratt and three other conspirators hang on July 7, 1865.

During the late hours of 16 July 1918, the Romanov family is awakened and told to go to the cellar of the Ipatiev House. It will be their last journey...

A made-up newspaper article provokes Fish to write an incriminating letter to Gracie's family, which leads to his capture.

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