Famous Historical Topics & Events Audios

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

In his first inaugural address, which remains one of the most famous in American history, President Franklin D.

Reporters were unsure of the President's condition at Parkland Hospital as they tried to keep the public informed of events.

On the evening of October 22, 1962, President Kennedy shocked the country when he reported the Soviet Union was installing ballistic missiles in Cuba.

This radio play, starring Orson Welles as Captain Bligh, was broadcast via the Campbell Playhouse on January 13, 1939.

During America's Civil War, one of the country's most-famous writers penned a poem about ... the Revolutionary War.

During America's Civil War, one of the country's most-famous writers penned a poem about ... the Revolutionary War.

Alvar Liddell, a BBC reporter on the day of the Pearl Harbor attack, told the world what had happened.

A news report during the attack, broadcast by a reporter for KGU in Honolulu, reports that "this battle has been going on for nearly three hours.

The attack by Japan was "unprovoked" and "dastardly," to use President Roosevelt's words.

Americans were shocked to learn about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Samuel Gompers was head of the AFL union when he gave a speech in support of America's involvement in World War I.

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