Medieval Times Chapters

When knights and castles served kings and queens, a feudal system employed peasants and vassals. Uneducated people used art to learn stories they could not read for themselves. This collection is about life in the Middle Ages.

Books represent new or controversial ideas and allow people to preserve and share their thoughts.

In the medieval world, “The Devil” was sometimes depicted as a frightening character who visited someone who had died (among other things)...

Three methods of torture are very painful, the head crusher, the rack, and water torture.

With help from his top advisers, who pave the way for a change in Britain, Henry VIII gets his divorce and marriage annulment, from Catherine of Arago...

Although he and Catherine of Aragon have a daughter, Princess Mary, Henry VIII wants a living son. This leads to problems with his marriage.

The plague lays waste to Asia and Europe; writings from the time suggest only one in ten people survive.

Illuminated manuscripts record deeds of kings and daily life of their subjects.

Illustrations help make learning law, and verifying legal statues, less tedious.

Five hundred years later, the Catholic Church canonizes Joan as a Saint. Joan's life demonstrates the effect one person can have on history.

Joan goes to the Dauphin of France and convinces him to let her lead the army. Joan prays before going into battle, convinced she will have the victor...

Joan and her army continue to fight even though the King wants peace. Joan loses some battles, is captured and sold to the English.

Joan's jailors steal her clothes, forcing her to wear men's clothing. As soon as she puts them on, she is deemed to be a relapsed heretic and sentence...

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