Poetry Audios

Poets convey deep thoughts with few words. How do poets approach their subjects? Why is the rhythm of words important to them? Poets want their words to be heard. Here's a collection to read "out loud."

Taps is a 24-note bugle call which marks one of two events:  It signals that all unauthorized lights must be extinguished.  This is the l...

Roald Dahl (1916-1990) was born in Wales to Norwegian parents.

Alfred Noyes - a British poet born in 1880, who was extremely popular during his lifetime - wrote a lyrical story about a doomed highwayman and Bess (...

William Butler (W.B.) Yeats wrote the poem which consistently tops the list of Ireland's favorite poems.

Although he made very little money from this work, Edgar Allan Poe became famous after he wrote - and published - "The Raven.

Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) was born 21 years after the United States Supreme Court declared that "separate but equal" - between whites and people of...

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