
Easter Story - THE LAST SUPPER


Tempera-on-wood images of Jesus washing his disciples' feet and their "last supper" together are on the back ("verso") panel of Duccio's Maestà.  They are part of the set of "Stories of the Passion" included in the altarpiece of the Cathedral (Duomo) of Siena, Italy.


As observant Jews, Jesus and his disciples wanted to celebrate the Passover together. Going to a place in Jerusalem called the "upper room," they prepared for dinner.

Jerusalem at that time - as it is today - was located near a desert. People wore sandals and walked from place to place. As a result, their feet became dusty and dirty in the dry climate. As part of the preparation for celebrating the Passover, people washed their feet as well as their hands.

Before dinner, Jesus took a basin of water and a towel and washed the feet of his disciples, despite their protests. After He had washed their feet, Jesus told his followers:

I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

While they ate the Passover meal (which Leonardo da Vinci, an artist of the Renaissance, beautifully illustrated centuries later, in one of the world's most famous frescoes), Jesus told His disciples that one of them would betray Him that night.

Without identifying who it was, to the rest of the group, Jesus encouraged Judas to get on with the business at hand.

Judas had made a deal with the religious leaders. For 30 pieces of silver, he would let them know where to find Jesus so they could carry out their plot.

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Author: Carole D. Bos, J.D. 5199stories and lessons created

Original Release: Feb 01, 2008

Updated Last Revision: Mar 20, 2016

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"THE LAST SUPPER" AwesomeStories.com. Feb 01, 2008. Feb 10, 2025.
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