


"Entry into Jerusalem," by Pietro Lorenzetti (c. 1280-1348).  The original work is a fresco painted on the wall of the southern transept of the lower church at the Basilica of San Francesco in Assisi, Italy.  It is part of the "Assisi Frescoes."


Because He knew the religious leaders were plotting against Him, Jesus stayed out of the limelight for a time.

Five days before the Passover (or, Pesach), He decided to go to Jerusalem from Bethany, where once again he had visited his friends.

When a great crowd of people, gathering in Jerusalem for the Passover, heard that Jesus was coming into the city, they ran out to greet him. Sitting on a young donkey, Jesus rode into the city with the crowd waving palm branches and shouting:

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Blessed is the King of Israel!

Perturbed at this turn of events, the religious leaders became even more concerned.

See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole
world has gone after him!

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Author: Carole D. Bos, J.D. 5199stories and lessons created

Original Release: Feb 01, 2008

Updated Last Revision: Apr 08, 2020

To cite this story (For MLA citation guidance see easybib or OWL ):

"TRIUMPH IN JERUSALEM" AwesomeStories.com. Feb 01, 2008. Feb 10, 2025.
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